Thursday, May 9, 2013


                    Just woke up, got oldest on bus, so tired can't think straight, know all the stuff I need to get done and just can't do any of it! It gets so old, especially when people around you aren't in your boat. The world looks at you and "Says you look fine to me."  Sometimes I forget that I'm not like them, and am amazed at reactions I get from them, like when I get completely wore out doing something "simple" and they have no idea why. One of the biggest things here lately is the whole " the house is full of food why don't you eat?" thing. For starters yes there is plenty of food, and I would like to eat some of it. This is the problem: By the time I fix part of it I will be too tired to eat it, or will have forgot I fixed it. Yes I can and have done this a lot. This makes fixing it not worth doing in the first place. Oh and to all of you who say just take a break and then eat it, that only works if the others don't eat it for you or through it out. Yea people who are clueless!
         Life with the clueless is " so fun"! ( yes that would be sarcasm) These people don't have any idea how I can be too tired to eat, take a bath, change clothes, or do any of the other stuff that is in a normal day. My hubby once asked if I liked being this way! Oh yes dear I love getting my butt kicked by my own body every day!!!! It's a blast!!!! (yes more sarcasm)

        I live with my in laws, have done so for the past 5 years. It makes things harder in ways. My brother-in-law dose the shopping and takes care of hubby's money. Yes not a good situation, but not much choice. I have protested the whole thing, but as a "lazy" person with no "drive" to take care of self or home, I don't get taken seriously. For all of the PWN's who are surrounded by people who understand, please thank them repeatedly for this! I even have my grandmother, who is also a PWN, breathing down my neck for things I have found to be common for us.This only serves to encourage hubby on his ideas of how I should be! I have asked several times for him to learn about it to no avail. Please don't get the idea he doesn't love me or want the best for me, he just has issues with this part of me. I wonder sometimes if he sees enough of it that he doesn't want to make it real by seeing it written out all neat and what not.

                  Well the oldest brother of the hubby has come by to raid the fridge, he lives with hubby's grandma and well I won't go there, he is a royal annoyance, partly due to his being allowed to waist his time due to his mom's deciding he is "retarded". This is a healthy 40 year old who can use a computer, a cell, and operate a car, with out the slightest trouble. Poor thing! He gets his beer and smokes provided as well as home food and spare cash, due to his affliction. He has shown no signs of any problems aside from a sever case of being spoiled!!!!!!! This is the reason I have doubts as to his retardation, this and his denial of his having this in the first place!!! Oh yea I wasn't going there. Oops.

                  Well I think I will see if he left anything to eat in the house and then try to get my stuff done, and maybe get that nap.  

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